Discover Brightwater is urgently seeking a suitably qualified organisation to help us design a new Wetland Nature Reserve at Ricknall Carrs in County Durham.
Discover Brightwater ( is a £4million Landscape Partnership funded largely by National Lottery players via the National Lottery Heritage Fund. We have recently been offered land for purchase and received additional funds to support this. We are also able to access additional funds if we are able to complete certain works during this financial year.
Please find below a link to our application pack of documents relating to an Invitation to Tender for work to help us create a wetland reserve at Ricknall Carrs, an area of land just to the east of Newton Aycliffe and which will be become the first phase of a project called the Great North Fen. We are seeking help to design; carry out or commission surveys; apply for appropriate permits and planning consents; and also to produce detailed plans and tender documents to enable us to put the construction work out to tender later in the spring.
The link to the tender documents and some supporting contextual studies is here: