Archaeology Artificial Intelligence
Deep Time: the search for the past through human and machine learning
We are delighted to be working together with Dig Ventures and ArchAI on this world-first experiment, Archaeology Artificial Intelligence: Deep Time.
This will test a unique new approach to identify previously unknown archaeological and historical features on mapping data of a place.
The ideas are based on using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Collective Intelligence (CI). It will test a combination of crowd-based labelling of Geographic Information System (GIS) and LIDAR data that can be used to train an AI to identify sites of archaeological interest.
It will explore how this can be used to inform local planning decisions whilst making local people central to the process.
The experiment will be an opportunity for local people to help provide information vital to test the software algorithms to identify possible archaeology sites.
WORLD-FIRST: This is the first time Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Collective Intelligence (CI) will have been used in this way! It will also demonstrate how to train crowds to work with novel technology and digital methods to discover more about our local places.
We’re currently assembling a team of 100 who want to join the experiment!
Our aim is to revitalise the history, heritage, and landscape along the River Skerne, made possible by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Durham County Council’s Archaeology Section, and Durham Wildlife Trust.
Our partner DigVentures is a social business specialising in crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, and digital methods to increase public participation in archaeological research. They are a Chartered Institute for Archaeologists Registered Organisation and the first-ever CIfA Accredited Fieldschool.
ArchAI automates the assessment of archaeological sites required by environmental impact assessments (EIAs) during the planning permission application process for construction projects within Europe. The pre-trained AI models can assess thousands of images instantly, providing rapid, accurate feedback to developers and project planners.